
Resources: Twitter in My Pocket

I have hesitated to post about using Twitter because I am very new to the Twitter scene and because I am pretty sure Twitter can be used as a method of Procrastinating, rather than a resource for avoiding Procrastination.  That said, I am pushing forward with the post...

Assume You Look Good

Some Procrastinators often make their already difficult schedules even more difficult, by taking on more than they need to.  Although they are swamped by work and burdened by upcoming or recently passed deadlines, they offer to do more.  I tend to call this affliction...

Assume the Best in Others

I think assuming the best in others is probably something Procrastinators are terrible at.  Rotten at even. We take on projects, which are straightforward, simple even, and then we complicate them.  A lot.  Mostly by making the whole affair more about what the other...