
I’ve noticed other bloggers doing an end-of-year roundup of their best posts.  I’m still getting the hang of this blogging idea, and I haven’t even been blogging an entire year, but here goes.  I think the best post for me this year was my first.  Not because it was any great shakes, but because posting, after four years of thinking and pining about starting this blog, meant I got over my worry and got into what I wanted for myself.  Developing this blog has been a wonderful learning experience for me this year, and I would definitely count that as a “Best of 2013” activity.  No doubt.

Some of the best posts for my readers are Perfectionism Dreams: Part 1, Perfectionism Dreams: Part 2, and Embrace Transition.  I think these topics are relevant now, as we look towards the New Year.  I find myself feeling a mixture of optimism and overwhelm.  Case in point is the laundry room re-do I told you about a few days ago.  I noted my goal of focusing on removing clutter, painting and putting up some shelves in my small laundry space.  After a few days of clutter removal and organization (and a few other holiday-type activities), I was proud of myself, but I was also spent.  Totally spent.  Seemingly for no reason.  Could not do anything of note for two days.  Felt down as a result.  Woke up yesterday committed to breaking out of the funk and bought that shelf and got those paint swatches.  At the end of the day, I felt excited about the space again, and found myself peeking in it a few times, just to note the fresh new feeling there.  I also realized I am growing as a blogger, as I knew I had to post about my funk, as well as my progress, in order to be credible and readable!

So, the take-home message is push forward into an area you have been needlessly worrying or stressing out about.  Reject your own ideas about needing to feel and to be perfect because you are hurting yourself.  Understand and tolerate your own ups and downs in order to continue moving in the direction you want to head.  I hope the year 2014 offers you all the room you need to thrive.

Looking forward to “talking” to you again soon,  Christine

I would like to express my gratitude to the following people for their help this year:

Courtney Carver, of Be More with Less, for her inspired and relevant blogging advice; Everyone in the Spark and Tinder Group, for your great ideas and support; Diane Elkins, of Positive Workspace, for her attitude, friendship, and collaboration; Marlee Schwartz, for her enthusiasm for this blog and her innate (read: I'm jealous) organization; and Crystal Moody, for sharing her talents as seen in my newly jazzed-up website logo and look.  If you are a creative-type, consider signing up for Crystal's new venture Year of Creative Habits, and get your groove on.  Thanks also to you for reading and following my blog this year.  I truly appreciate your interest and your efforts!